The US Legal Services Corp (LSC), through its Technology Initiative Grant (TIC), has been hosting these networking and innovation conferences since 2007 but this is the first time it has moved away from it's typical Austin location to New Mexico this coming year.
From The TIG/LSC website: (You should also check out the rich repository of past conference materials here)
Download the 2012 TIG Conference Tentative Agenda (
Registration: Click here to register online for the 2012 TIG Conference.Registration for TIG attendees is $420, which includes all sessions, breakfast and lunch and one evening reception.
Where: LSC will be holding the 12th Annual TIG Conference in Albuquerque, NM at the Embassy Suites Albuquerque, 1000 Woodward Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102. The TIG Conference rate is $81/night single occupancy and $101/night for double occupancy. Go to to book a hotel room online.
Who Should Attend: TIG recipients, IT staff, project managers, executive directors, legal services administrators, website coordinators, document assembly coordinators, attorneys, or anyone with an interest in how to use technology in the delivery of legal services.
What's Covered: Topics covered will include new technology trends, online intake triage, eLawyering, document management systems, information security, rural service delivery innovations and challenges, creating and sharing online videos, mobile apps, next generation A2J, and breakout sessions for the statewide websites. Plus, important sessions covering effective management of TIG projects, including reporting and evaluation requirements.
There will be an opportunity to exchange information in more informal 'Affinity Group/Ask the Expert' networking sessions that attendees will help determine at registration, and we are planning another 'Ignite' style session to provide some fast-paced presentations highlighting technology project successes, new ideas and lessons learned.
Conference Scholarships: LSC is pleased to announce the availability of ten scholarships to attend the conference. These scholarships were set up to allow programs that have not received a TIG award in previous grant cycles to attend the TIG Conference. Applications were due by 5:00 pm ET on Friday, November 18, 2011, and LSC will notify scholarship recipients shortly. Please view the full announcement for more details.
Submit an Ignite Session Proposal: The plenary on Thursday January 12 will feature 6-8 Ignite style presentations. Each presenter will have 20 slides and 6 minutes to share an idea, best practice, lesson learned, or to show off a TIG project. Ignite was created as a way for geeks to share their ideas with each other quickly, in a fun atmosphere. If you're not familiar with an Ignite session, go to for more information and to view some Ignite session videos. You can also see TIG Ignite presentations archived from the 2011 and 2010 conferences.
Ignite session proposals will be accepted through November 30, 2011.
Pre-Conference HotDocs & A2J Training: There will be a LawHelp Interactive training for beginners and intermediate users on HotDocs and A2J from January 9-10, 2012. These trainings are free to participating legal aid programs and their court partners.
Download the 2011 TIG Conference Program Book (
258KB) for detailed information about last year's sessions.
From The TIG/LSC website: (You should also check out the rich repository of past conference materials here)
Download the 2012 TIG Conference Tentative Agenda (

Registration: Click here to register online for the 2012 TIG Conference.Registration for TIG attendees is $420, which includes all sessions, breakfast and lunch and one evening reception.
Where: LSC will be holding the 12th Annual TIG Conference in Albuquerque, NM at the Embassy Suites Albuquerque, 1000 Woodward Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102. The TIG Conference rate is $81/night single occupancy and $101/night for double occupancy. Go to to book a hotel room online.
Who Should Attend: TIG recipients, IT staff, project managers, executive directors, legal services administrators, website coordinators, document assembly coordinators, attorneys, or anyone with an interest in how to use technology in the delivery of legal services.
What's Covered: Topics covered will include new technology trends, online intake triage, eLawyering, document management systems, information security, rural service delivery innovations and challenges, creating and sharing online videos, mobile apps, next generation A2J, and breakout sessions for the statewide websites. Plus, important sessions covering effective management of TIG projects, including reporting and evaluation requirements.
There will be an opportunity to exchange information in more informal 'Affinity Group/Ask the Expert' networking sessions that attendees will help determine at registration, and we are planning another 'Ignite' style session to provide some fast-paced presentations highlighting technology project successes, new ideas and lessons learned.
Conference Scholarships: LSC is pleased to announce the availability of ten scholarships to attend the conference. These scholarships were set up to allow programs that have not received a TIG award in previous grant cycles to attend the TIG Conference. Applications were due by 5:00 pm ET on Friday, November 18, 2011, and LSC will notify scholarship recipients shortly. Please view the full announcement for more details.
Submit an Ignite Session Proposal: The plenary on Thursday January 12 will feature 6-8 Ignite style presentations. Each presenter will have 20 slides and 6 minutes to share an idea, best practice, lesson learned, or to show off a TIG project. Ignite was created as a way for geeks to share their ideas with each other quickly, in a fun atmosphere. If you're not familiar with an Ignite session, go to for more information and to view some Ignite session videos. You can also see TIG Ignite presentations archived from the 2011 and 2010 conferences.
Ignite session proposals will be accepted through November 30, 2011.
Pre-Conference HotDocs & A2J Training: There will be a LawHelp Interactive training for beginners and intermediate users on HotDocs and A2J from January 9-10, 2012. These trainings are free to participating legal aid programs and their court partners.
Download the 2011 TIG Conference Program Book (

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