This page shows external web links for resources on this emerging field of legal empowerment and technology under the subheadings:
Law and Development/Rule of Law
Zunia. knowledge exchange/development gateway and
Eldis. "sharing the best in development policy, practice and research"
These two general development/law sites have very good email subscription options where you can choose which information you wish to receive and often. They contain excellent amounts of assessments, toolkits, etc. and inform you when new information comes out if you subscribe (which is free). They both have online discussions/posts which you can be a part of.
International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL). The aim of the International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL) is to assist international rule of law specialists in their efforts to prevent conflict and stabilize war-torn societies.
LegislationOnline. Legislation database and manuals related to the 56 state OSCE region
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. human rights and rule of law resources mainly from the OSCE region
Council of Europe. Council of Europe's human rights and legal affairs site
Organization for Economic Development Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Development
European Commission Development - European Commission's development site
European Commission's Capacity For Development - European Commission's capacity for development/knowledge sharing site to make technical assistance more effective
USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse -Development Experience Clearinghouse
Relief Web - humanitarian professionals website page with policy and issues (resources) on human rights (which includes "rule of law")
U.S. Army Rule of Law handbook 2008
UN Peacekeeping (This is the website of the UN Peacebuilding Commission)
Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HIIL). “HiiL focuses on the interaction between legal systems. We create actionable knowledge through debates, workshops, conferences, knowledge partnerships, action programmes and expert networks.”
International Development Law Organization (IDLO). “IDLO provides developing countries, countries in economic transition and those emerging from armed conflict with the resources, tools and professional skills to establish or strengthen the rule of law and good governance practices"
Stanford Law School, Rule of Law Program. The research activities of the Rule of Law Program aim to focus scholarly attention on issues relating to the structures and strategies of public, private and nonprofit international organizations
Law of thee Future mission to think ahead of the curve about the changing nature of law in the next 20 years.
International Applied Research Learning Network on Poverty and Human Rights. “The Applied Research Learning Network on Poverty and Human Rights ( is a project of The University of Winnipeg Global College.
International Bridges to Justice. “IBJ works to guarantee all citizens the right to competent legal representation, the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to a fair trial.”
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). As an independent international research organisation, we are specialists in linking local to global. In Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, the Middle East and the Pacific, we work with some of the world's most vulnerable people to ensure they have a say in the policy arenas that most closely affect them
International Justice Mission. International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.
Namati: Innovations in Legal Empowerment. Namati is an international non-profit organization that promotes innovative application and research of legal empowerment techniques.
Open Society Justice Initiative. The Open Society Justice Initiative uses law to protect and empower people around the world.
PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law. PILnet connects with local partners to develop the institutions essential to rights-respecting societies.
United Nations Development Programme, Initiative for Legal Empowerment of the Poor. “UNDP’s Initiative for Legal Empowerment of the Poor (ILEP)
World Bank, Justice for the Poor program.,,menuPK:3282947~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:3282787,00.html“...reflects an understanding of the need for demand-oriented, community-driven approach to justice and governance reform, which values the perspectives of the users, particularly the poor and marginalized such as women, youth and ethnic minorities.”
Microjustice Network Innovative solutions to Legal Empowerment
Technology and Law/ICT4D for Law
Ad hoc Committee on e-democracy (CAHDE)
The Ad hoc Committee on e-democracy (CAHDE) was established by the Council of Europe in the framework of the project “Good governance in the information society”. The Committee is instructed to examine developments on e-democracy/e-participation at European and international level with a view to identifying political, social, ethical, legislative and technological issues and their interdependence, as well as examples of emerging good practice which could be of interest to member states.
Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT)
APCICT aims to contribute to bridging the digital divide through providing training to policy makers, ICT professionals and trainers, and assisting in the sharing best practices in the area of ICT development among member and associate member countries of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
BerkmanCenter Research program founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development.
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)
CDT works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law, technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical solutions to enhance free expression and privacy in global communications technologies.
Center for International Development - State University of New York University-wide institution that designs and implements international technical assistance and training projects, conducts policy-oriented research, and contributes to both the theory and the practice of international development.
DemocraciaViva is an organization based in Latin America dedicated to the development of projects through new Information and Communication Technologies, with the objective of strengthening the region’s democracies, encouraging a dialogue both among citizens and between citizens and their elected officials.
DiploFoundation offers courses focusing both on traditional and new topics in diplomacy.
e-Democracy Centre
The e-Democracy Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to the study of e-democracy. Its main goal is to improve understanding of how new information and communication technologies are interacting with institutions of democratic governance, and to study the outcomes that are being produced as a result of this interaction.
European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD)Network to foster cooperation and exchanges of information between parliamentary libraries and research departments in Europe.
Fondazione Italiana Nuove Comunicazioni
Created in 2000 with the task of contributing to the progress of the innovation technology sector and the diffusion of a modern digital culture.
Foundation for Research on Technology Migration and Integration (FORMIT)Centre for the promotion of activities with advanced technological content and for the transfer of the most significant experience in the area of advanced technology, undertaking activities of scientific research, technical support, analysis and industrial, financial and socio-economic evaluation.
Hansard Society
Independent educational charity, which brings together MPs, peers, academics, journalists, parliamentary staff, civil servants, business and industry, trade unions, corporate affairs managers, interest and lobby groups and others with an interest in the political process from across the political spectrum to promote effective parliamentary democracy.
Science and Technology Division (ISTD)
The ICT, Science and Technology Division (ISTD) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is an integrated information service and resource center for Africa, making quality information on African development globally accessible and assisting ECA Member States to build national capacities in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for accelerated and sustainable development.
Information System Integrity Group
Multi-disciplinary research group which examines aspects of information systems security from a social science perspective.
Technolgoy Salon
Law and Development Jobs
Law and Development/Rule of Law
Zunia. knowledge exchange/development gateway and
Eldis. "sharing the best in development policy, practice and research"
These two general development/law sites have very good email subscription options where you can choose which information you wish to receive and often. They contain excellent amounts of assessments, toolkits, etc. and inform you when new information comes out if you subscribe (which is free). They both have online discussions/posts which you can be a part of.
International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL). The aim of the International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL) is to assist international rule of law specialists in their efforts to prevent conflict and stabilize war-torn societies.
LegislationOnline. Legislation database and manuals related to the 56 state OSCE region
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. human rights and rule of law resources mainly from the OSCE region
Council of Europe. Council of Europe's human rights and legal affairs site
Organization for Economic Development Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Development
European Commission Development - European Commission's development site
European Commission's Capacity For Development - European Commission's capacity for development/knowledge sharing site to make technical assistance more effective
USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse -Development Experience Clearinghouse
Relief Web - humanitarian professionals website page with policy and issues (resources) on human rights (which includes "rule of law")
U.S. Army Rule of Law handbook 2008
UN Peacekeeping (This is the website of the UN Peacebuilding Commission) [This website provides information on past and current UN peacekeeping operations.] [This is the organizational chart of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations which contains information on the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions]
UN Rule of Law [This is the website of the UN Rule of Law Coordination Group which contains details of UN actors engaged in rule of law, as well as key UN rule of law publications] The websites listed on the right-hand side of the page are a great menu of lessons learned in Rule of Law projects. [This is the organizational chart of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations which contains information on the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions]
UN Rule of Law [This is the website of the UN Rule of Law Coordination Group which contains details of UN actors engaged in rule of law, as well as key UN rule of law publications] The websites listed on the right-hand side of the page are a great menu of lessons learned in Rule of Law projects.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Democracy and Rule of Law Program. “Rigorously examining the global state of democracy and U.S., European, and multilateral efforts to support democracy's advance.”
Danish Institute for Human Rights. The Danish Institute for Human Rights takes point of departure in the internationally recognized human rights...the work is concentrated in the realms of research, education, information and projects on a national as well as an international level.
Ford Foundation. “... Strengthen democratic values; Reduce poverty and injustice; Promote international cooperation; Advance human achievement.”
Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC). “The Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC) provides cutting-edge knowledge services on demand and online. It aims to help reduce poverty by informing policy and practice in relation to governance, conflict and social development. The GSDRC is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).”
Danish Institute for Human Rights. The Danish Institute for Human Rights takes point of departure in the internationally recognized human rights...the work is concentrated in the realms of research, education, information and projects on a national as well as an international level.
Ford Foundation. “... Strengthen democratic values; Reduce poverty and injustice; Promote international cooperation; Advance human achievement.”
Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC). “The Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC) provides cutting-edge knowledge services on demand and online. It aims to help reduce poverty by informing policy and practice in relation to governance, conflict and social development. The GSDRC is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).”
Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HIIL). “HiiL focuses on the interaction between legal systems. We create actionable knowledge through debates, workshops, conferences, knowledge partnerships, action programmes and expert networks.”
International Development Law Organization (IDLO). “IDLO provides developing countries, countries in economic transition and those emerging from armed conflict with the resources, tools and professional skills to establish or strengthen the rule of law and good governance practices"
Stanford Law School, Rule of Law Program. The research activities of the Rule of Law Program aim to focus scholarly attention on issues relating to the structures and strategies of public, private and nonprofit international organizations
Asia Foundation. “The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous, just, and open Asia-Pacific region.
TISCO Tilburg Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Civil Law and Conflict Resolution Systems
Innovating Justice "We nurture promising innovations with knowledge, networks and tools."
TISCO Tilburg Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Civil Law and Conflict Resolution Systems
Innovating Justice "We nurture promising innovations with knowledge, networks and tools."
Law of thee Future mission to think ahead of the curve about the changing nature of law in the next 20 years.
Legal Empowerment
Governance and Justice Group (GJG) ” The Governance and Justice Group (GJG) is a non-profit organization. We are a multi-disciplinary group of highly experienced practitioners and offer support to institutions and others involved in reforming justice, security and governance.
Haki Legal Empowerment Network. “The Hakí Network is a global network dedicated to using the law to empowerment the poor and marginalized."
Haki Legal Empowerment Network. “The Hakí Network is a global network dedicated to using the law to empowerment the poor and marginalized."
International Applied Research Learning Network on Poverty and Human Rights. “The Applied Research Learning Network on Poverty and Human Rights ( is a project of The University of Winnipeg Global College.
International Bridges to Justice. “IBJ works to guarantee all citizens the right to competent legal representation, the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to a fair trial.”
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). As an independent international research organisation, we are specialists in linking local to global. In Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, the Middle East and the Pacific, we work with some of the world's most vulnerable people to ensure they have a say in the policy arenas that most closely affect them
International Justice Mission. International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.
Namati: Innovations in Legal Empowerment. Namati is an international non-profit organization that promotes innovative application and research of legal empowerment techniques.
Open Society Justice Initiative. The Open Society Justice Initiative uses law to protect and empower people around the world.
PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law. PILnet connects with local partners to develop the institutions essential to rights-respecting societies.
United Nations Development Programme, Initiative for Legal Empowerment of the Poor. “UNDP’s Initiative for Legal Empowerment of the Poor (ILEP)
World Bank, Justice for the Poor program.,,menuPK:3282947~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:3282787,00.html“...reflects an understanding of the need for demand-oriented, community-driven approach to justice and governance reform, which values the perspectives of the users, particularly the poor and marginalized such as women, youth and ethnic minorities.”
Microjustice Network Innovative solutions to Legal Empowerment
Technology and Law/ICT4D for Law
Ad hoc Committee on e-democracy (CAHDE)
The Ad hoc Committee on e-democracy (CAHDE) was established by the Council of Europe in the framework of the project “Good governance in the information society”. The Committee is instructed to examine developments on e-democracy/e-participation at European and international level with a view to identifying political, social, ethical, legislative and technological issues and their interdependence, as well as examples of emerging good practice which could be of interest to member states.
Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT)
APCICT aims to contribute to bridging the digital divide through providing training to policy makers, ICT professionals and trainers, and assisting in the sharing best practices in the area of ICT development among member and associate member countries of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
BerkmanCenter Research program founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development.
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)
CDT works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law, technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical solutions to enhance free expression and privacy in global communications technologies.
Center for International Development - State University of New York University-wide institution that designs and implements international technical assistance and training projects, conducts policy-oriented research, and contributes to both the theory and the practice of international development.
DemocraciaViva is an organization based in Latin America dedicated to the development of projects through new Information and Communication Technologies, with the objective of strengthening the region’s democracies, encouraging a dialogue both among citizens and between citizens and their elected officials.
DiploFoundation offers courses focusing both on traditional and new topics in diplomacy.
e-Democracy Centre
The e-Democracy Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to the study of e-democracy. Its main goal is to improve understanding of how new information and communication technologies are interacting with institutions of democratic governance, and to study the outcomes that are being produced as a result of this interaction.
European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD)Network to foster cooperation and exchanges of information between parliamentary libraries and research departments in Europe.
Fondazione Italiana Nuove Comunicazioni
Created in 2000 with the task of contributing to the progress of the innovation technology sector and the diffusion of a modern digital culture.
Foundation for Research on Technology Migration and Integration (FORMIT)Centre for the promotion of activities with advanced technological content and for the transfer of the most significant experience in the area of advanced technology, undertaking activities of scientific research, technical support, analysis and industrial, financial and socio-economic evaluation.
Hansard Society
Independent educational charity, which brings together MPs, peers, academics, journalists, parliamentary staff, civil servants, business and industry, trade unions, corporate affairs managers, interest and lobby groups and others with an interest in the political process from across the political spectrum to promote effective parliamentary democracy.
Science and Technology Division (ISTD)
The ICT, Science and Technology Division (ISTD) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is an integrated information service and resource center for Africa, making quality information on African development globally accessible and assisting ECA Member States to build national capacities in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for accelerated and sustainable development.
Information System Integrity Group
Multi-disciplinary research group which examines aspects of information systems security from a social science perspective.
Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School
Intellectual center for the study of a new age in which telecommunications and intellectual property are central determinants of the structure of society, the development of human culture and democratic legitimacy.
International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Inter-governmental development organization that seeks to strengthen the rule of law and good governance in developing countries and countries in transition in order to provide security for the individual and to reduce poverty by protecting individual rights and economic activity and by strengthening judicial and local institutions to promote a viable legal framework for commerce, trade and investment.
Intersteno parliamentary reporters' section (IPRS)
The aim of IPRS is to enable parliamentary reporters to co-operate via a professional organisation through which they can work to improve the services they provide to democratic parliaments, both national and federal, throughout the world.
Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet (IPDI)
Part of the Graduate School of Political Management of The George Washington University, the Institute’s mission is to promote the use of the Internet and new communication technologies in politics to enhance democratic values, encourage citizen participation and improve governance.
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
The institute creates and communicates knowledge on the impacts of human action and their evaluation in view of the development and use of new technologies.
Institute of Computing Technology (ICT)
Academic institute specialized in comprehensive research on computer science and technology.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
International body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.
International Institute of for Software Technology (UNU-IIST)
Research and Training Centres of the United Nations University aiming to help developing countries strengthen their education and research in computer science and their ability to produce computer software.
International Teledemocracy Centre at Napier University
The Centre combines relevant software engineering applications with political and sociological analysis.
Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU- MERIT)
Research and training centre of the United Nations University that focuses on the role of science, technology and innovation, in the broadest sense, in bringing about development and the improvement of social welfare at the national and international level.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)Nonprofit organization working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide.
Open Source Digital Voting FoundationThe Open Source Digital Voting (OSDV) Foundation is a non-profit California public benefits corporation with the purpose to provide support and protection for the development of the specifications, draft standards, and reference implementations of high assurance, high veracity digital voting technology.
Parliamentary CentreCanadian not-for-profit organization devoted to improving the effectiveness of representative assemblies and governance mechanisms in Canada and around the world.
Politixis a website that tracks voting behaviour of political parties in the Dutch National Parliament. The website allows visitors to discuss and vote on the proposed laws and amendments.
Research Triangle Institute (RTI International)Independent, nonprofit Institute focusing on scientific research and technology development.
UNDP Parliamentary Development Programme
UNDP works to ensure fair and inclusive Democratic Participation by Strengthening Parliaments as Institutions of Governance. It provides support to parliaments to foster their capacity, resources and necessary independence to carry out their core functions effectively.
National Laws
Global Center for ICT in Parliament
A global joint initiative of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and a group of national and regional parliaments, t foster ICT-related legislation and to promote the use of ICT for paliaments
Asian Legal Information Institute
A non-profit and free access website for legal information from all 27 countries and territories in Asia located from Japan in the east to Pakistan in the west, and from Mongolia in the north to Timor Leste in the south
Dedicate to presentation and discussion of Caribbean legal materials
Cybercrime Laws
A global information clearinghouse on cybercrime law. Its editor is Chief judge Stein Schjolberg from Norway. The survey of current legislation includes Laws of 78 countries
EUR-Lex provides direct free access to European Union law. Here one can consult the Official Journal of the European Union as well as the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals
Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)
GLIN is an online repository of searchable full-text legal documents, judicial decisions, legislation, statutes and other laws issued from January 1950 to present. Searches may be made by jurisdiction, publication date, subject terms, and language
Legal Information Institute
A research and electronic publishing activity of the Cornell Law School. Collections include the U.S. Code, Supreme Court opinions and Laws on various issues
An internet-based free-of-charge legislative database published and maintained by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. Its purpose is to assist lawmakers in OSCE participating States by providing them with sample domestic legislation and international standards on selected human dimension issues
Political Database of the Americas
The section “Legislative Branch” of this website contains links to legislative branches in the Americas. The sources are categorized by country
Intellectual center for the study of a new age in which telecommunications and intellectual property are central determinants of the structure of society, the development of human culture and democratic legitimacy.
International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Inter-governmental development organization that seeks to strengthen the rule of law and good governance in developing countries and countries in transition in order to provide security for the individual and to reduce poverty by protecting individual rights and economic activity and by strengthening judicial and local institutions to promote a viable legal framework for commerce, trade and investment.
Intersteno parliamentary reporters' section (IPRS)
The aim of IPRS is to enable parliamentary reporters to co-operate via a professional organisation through which they can work to improve the services they provide to democratic parliaments, both national and federal, throughout the world.
Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet (IPDI)
Part of the Graduate School of Political Management of The George Washington University, the Institute’s mission is to promote the use of the Internet and new communication technologies in politics to enhance democratic values, encourage citizen participation and improve governance.
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
The institute creates and communicates knowledge on the impacts of human action and their evaluation in view of the development and use of new technologies.
Institute of Computing Technology (ICT)
Academic institute specialized in comprehensive research on computer science and technology.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
International body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.
International Institute of for Software Technology (UNU-IIST)
Research and Training Centres of the United Nations University aiming to help developing countries strengthen their education and research in computer science and their ability to produce computer software.
International Teledemocracy Centre at Napier University
The Centre combines relevant software engineering applications with political and sociological analysis.
Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU- MERIT)
Research and training centre of the United Nations University that focuses on the role of science, technology and innovation, in the broadest sense, in bringing about development and the improvement of social welfare at the national and international level.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)Nonprofit organization working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide.
Open Source Digital Voting FoundationThe Open Source Digital Voting (OSDV) Foundation is a non-profit California public benefits corporation with the purpose to provide support and protection for the development of the specifications, draft standards, and reference implementations of high assurance, high veracity digital voting technology.
Parliamentary CentreCanadian not-for-profit organization devoted to improving the effectiveness of representative assemblies and governance mechanisms in Canada and around the world.
Politixis a website that tracks voting behaviour of political parties in the Dutch National Parliament. The website allows visitors to discuss and vote on the proposed laws and amendments.
Research Triangle Institute (RTI International)Independent, nonprofit Institute focusing on scientific research and technology development.
UNDP Parliamentary Development Programme
UNDP works to ensure fair and inclusive Democratic Participation by Strengthening Parliaments as Institutions of Governance. It provides support to parliaments to foster their capacity, resources and necessary independence to carry out their core functions effectively.
National Laws
Global Center for ICT in Parliament
A global joint initiative of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and a group of national and regional parliaments, t foster ICT-related legislation and to promote the use of ICT for paliaments
Asian Legal Information Institute
A non-profit and free access website for legal information from all 27 countries and territories in Asia located from Japan in the east to Pakistan in the west, and from Mongolia in the north to Timor Leste in the south
Dedicate to presentation and discussion of Caribbean legal materials
Cybercrime Laws
A global information clearinghouse on cybercrime law. Its editor is Chief judge Stein Schjolberg from Norway. The survey of current legislation includes Laws of 78 countries
EUR-Lex provides direct free access to European Union law. Here one can consult the Official Journal of the European Union as well as the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals
Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)
GLIN is an online repository of searchable full-text legal documents, judicial decisions, legislation, statutes and other laws issued from January 1950 to present. Searches may be made by jurisdiction, publication date, subject terms, and language
Legal Information Institute
A research and electronic publishing activity of the Cornell Law School. Collections include the U.S. Code, Supreme Court opinions and Laws on various issues
An internet-based free-of-charge legislative database published and maintained by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. Its purpose is to assist lawmakers in OSCE participating States by providing them with sample domestic legislation and international standards on selected human dimension issues
Political Database of the Americas
The section “Legislative Branch” of this website contains links to legislative branches in the Americas. The sources are categorized by country
Southern African Legal Information Institute
Collects and publishes legal materials from Southern and Eastern Africa. The current collection includes superior court judgments from Botswana, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Recent additions include a full consolidated collection of Uganda legislation
The World Law Guide
Offers more them 30.000 links to legal sites in over 160 countries
World Legal Information Institute
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is a non-profit global legal research facility developed collaboratively by various Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) and Law Schools.
Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector (Deborah Finn)
Beth's Blog
Collects and publishes legal materials from Southern and Eastern Africa. The current collection includes superior court judgments from Botswana, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Recent additions include a full consolidated collection of Uganda legislation
The World Law Guide
Offers more them 30.000 links to legal sites in over 160 countries
World Legal Information Institute
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is a non-profit global legal research facility developed collaboratively by various Legal Information Institutes (LIIs) and Law Schools.
Technology for Non-profits
Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector (Deborah Finn)
Beth's Blog
Technolgoy Salon
Law and Development Jobs
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