Official Sites & Organizations
- WSIS - Official site by the ITU
- UNESCO and WSIS Official site by UNESCO
- WSIS Tunis 2005 - Official site by Tunis
- WSIS ICT discussion - Development Gateway community focusing on Millennium Development Goals
- WSIS Civil Society Meeting Point - Mailing lists
- - Official WSIS site by Heinrich Boell Foundation, maintained by the German WSIS Civil Society Coordinating Group
- Tunisia Monitoring Group - Official TMG WSIS site by IFEX
- WSIS? WE SEIZE! - Anti-WSIS group from December 2003, supported by the Information Program of the Open Society Institute
- Citizens' Summit on the Information Society
- The World Summit in Reflection - compendium of submission to Information Technologies and International Development
WSIS News & Blogs
- - a multilingual coalition of bloggers attending WSIS; includes text, photos, podcasts and video.
- WSIS: Internet Governance Forum Endorsed by World Leaders by Dick Kaser, Information Today.
- WSIS WIRE - latest news on the World Summit - en, fr, de
- i-Witness | journalists shaping the information society - debate, news and resources for journalists creating a fairer information society
- The Daily Summit - WSIS (2003 only) and similar World Summit coverage by the British Council Science Team
- The German - Blog has a huge coverage on the WSIS in German language
- David Weekly's Tunis PBwiki - a wikiblog of the Summit & Tunisia
- Choike - WSIS in depth report has information on the Geneva and Tunis phases of WSIS
- A transcript of Richard Stallman's WSIS 2005 presentation
Articles & Reports
- Information Society for the South: Vision or Hallucination? A book by the WSIS Papers Project (Instituto del Tercer Mundo, ITeM) with Southern perspectives on the Information Society
- Visions in Process II A brochure collecting female perspectives on WSIS
- Orientation kit on WSIS A booklet for civil society representatives on WSIS development just before the Tunis Summit
- "Information Society: The Next Steps" - Development Gateway Special Report
- Tunisia, host of WSIS and destination of choice for IT Outsourcing - Economist Advertisement Feature