After last year's Fail Faire that I posted about, where the World Bank, among others, shared lessons learned about what has worked and what not in ICT4D, there is another one this year: Fail Faire DC 2011 - a celebration of failure on 13th October.
From Wayan Dot Com:

Fail Faire DC 2011 is a celebration of failure. We will have great speakers with fun, fast, Ignite-style presentations of their professional failures. Audience participation is not only encouraged, it is mandatory! We are all peers and none of us is perfect. Expect much laughter as we navel-gaze at where we have all gone wrong in ICT and international development.
Yet we will LEARN from failure. Failure is no reason to be ashamed, and there is great value in examining our mistakes. So while we encourage irreverence and humor, we will be improving our profession too.
We will have light refreshments to lubricate the conversation and there will be an after-party to continue the celebration. However, an RSVP is mandatory for attendance and space is limited, so sign up today!

Fail Faire DC 2011 will happen onOctober 13th at the World Bank.Those that RSVP will be sent the specific room location just before the event.
Fail Faire DC 2011 is brought to you by theWorld Bank, Development Gateway, and Inveneo.
6:00pm: Welcome and drinks
6:30pm: #FAIL-Slam
7:30pm: Open Discussion
8:00pm: Mingling, learning, networking, more drinks
Featured Speakers (so far)
Dr. Tessie San Martin, CEO, Plan International USA
The World Bank on their 70% ICT4D failure rate
Ian Schuler, Internet Freedom Programs, U.S. Department of State
You? Apply today!
Remember, you must RSVP to attend.
From Wayan Dot Com:

Fail Faire DC 2011 is a celebration of failure. We will have great speakers with fun, fast, Ignite-style presentations of their professional failures. Audience participation is not only encouraged, it is mandatory! We are all peers and none of us is perfect. Expect much laughter as we navel-gaze at where we have all gone wrong in ICT and international development.
Yet we will LEARN from failure. Failure is no reason to be ashamed, and there is great value in examining our mistakes. So while we encourage irreverence and humor, we will be improving our profession too.
We will have light refreshments to lubricate the conversation and there will be an after-party to continue the celebration. However, an RSVP is mandatory for attendance and space is limited, so sign up today!

Fail Faire DC 2011 will happen onOctober 13th at the World Bank.Those that RSVP will be sent the specific room location just before the event.
Fail Faire DC 2011 is brought to you by theWorld Bank, Development Gateway, and Inveneo.
6:00pm: Welcome and drinks
6:30pm: #FAIL-Slam
7:30pm: Open Discussion
8:00pm: Mingling, learning, networking, more drinks
Featured Speakers (so far)
Dr. Tessie San Martin, CEO, Plan International USA
The World Bank on their 70% ICT4D failure rate
Ian Schuler, Internet Freedom Programs, U.S. Department of State
You? Apply today!
Remember, you must RSVP to attend.
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